Our trip down was uneventful

Sharon was in the warmth while I had borrowed a brush from the front desk and challenge the snow

The condo

Our Parking area and a look at the condo from the beach

This is a panoramic of what we saw from the balcony. It makes it look like the beach is further away than it actually is.

When we wandered around the Island where all the stores and facilities are located we saw some neat things that we don't (didn't) see at other beach locations--like this walkway to make it easier to walk to the beach.

Or this common swinging benches and static benches for people to just relax.

But a condo is not a beach condo unless you go out for a walk on the beach...

But there were some nice days also
And when is it time to hit some golf balls? Sharon tried but her shoulder just never let her hit one. She looked good though.
And when it gets close to 4pm, I toast a beer (or wine) virtually with my mother...

Then we'd head out for a meal

And we even spotted a Cardinal. My mother told me that a cardinal is a good sign-means dad is looking after you.

And....yes, a dolphin
With every nice location, the sun sets...(well, it's really a sunrise but you get the idea)

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