People gather and wish you a happy birthday as if it's a normal everyday thing to do. Family. We get together and celebrate each others anniversaries and successes. On this occasion, I was turning 73 years old. I am told by my mother that I was born at 5pm on the 5th in 1951. Here, we have Thomas and Jessica with Kathryn, Mike, Katryna, and Jonah. We celebrate and are thankful for those who are able to attend. This being the first celebration of any significance in this, our new home. It's important to me to emphasize that everyone is busy, everyone has things they need to do and places they need to be. I am just grateful that on this day, those who could, took the time to share it with me. Thank you.
Some people wonder why I post everything. Remember as we get older we don't always remember! My wife keeps a box of cards she was given for different occasions-I digitize and immortalize those memories.

Thank you family for being there for supper with me as I celebrate 73 years.
From Kathryn
Good morning happy birthday DAD. I just woke up actually I’m still in bed. I fell asleep late. Everyone fell asleep way way before me . Anyways, that’s why my text is later in the morning. Dad, Many people wait till a birthday to express themselves to say what the birthday person means to them , but I know I do all year round ! I know I do cause I don’t hide how proud and lucky I am to call you my dad . It’s not every girl that gets a father who's a protector, caring, handyman (who use to come over with tools or a shovel so I can get to work ) a father that can jokes around with but can also be a teacher in every subject
Iv always been so proud to call you my dad (maybe that’s why katrynas situation hurts me so much as I wish she could have the same feelings father and daughter relationship, but I am lucky she has you ! You have always been there for her both you and mom and I’m glad she has you both to turn to as another authority in her life she can count on) I love you guys both so much
Thank you Matthew and Family for the singing Happy Birthday. I appreciate the gesture.
From my granddaughter, Katryna.

Thank you mom for your text. My sister Pauline and Pierrette and thank you 1/2 sister Liette & Mike, friends John and Betty Dickhute (VA) and BSIL Annalea and friends Wayne & Vicki and relative JC Tassé and grandson Gavin along with my BBIL Steve & his girlfriend Shelley and also Sangeeta Mehta.
I had breakfast a few days before with our friends Jim and Mag who wished me a happy birthday at that time and I received a neat little golf related key chain holder.
I know I may forget a few and I do apologize in advance for that.
Tom Little from VA sent me a video on behalf of him and his wife Marigene. Unfortunately I can't play video but he was flying the Canadian flag in my honor which I feel honored. Thank you.
Some neat gifts and cards

Because of Kathryn, she captured some FACEBOOK entries reference my birthday. people I have not seen in such a long time. I really appreciate the thought to at least say happy birthday. Since I have not been on FB in many years, it is comforting to know that some people still reach out and send me wishes. Thank you very much for that.