On the 3rd of October, while Pierre (me) is technically still 69 years old, a group of friends and family got together to celebrate my 70th birthday.

A note from my mother on Oct 4th as she remembers (I am so lucky to have my mother and to hear these stories. Thanks mom)
TOMORROW around diner time you will be 70.....gosh so many memories goes through my mind tonight. My house was all clean when we left the camp and we stayed at mom’s place, and waiting for you to make your appearance. What a night it was not knowing but we planned for the next day what we would do, dad told me he was going out of town (do not remember right now where), so woke up he left to get together with his army buddies called me before getting in the truck and there was no news, so we thought it would be a day like the others but .....OOPS no, Pierre wanted it to be NOW, so there we go, just hung up the phone imagine, so dad left no way to contact him so my mom was taking over. Then also the mix up, left to go to the hospital walking up the hill (St Hubert St.), go there and were told not that hospital, so down we go to mom’s place but half way, it was really bad so mom called the taxi and then in taxi, I could not go without help, so the taxi driver so nervous, hailed the police and there we were going to another hospital and our son really wanted to be born with fanfare, and he did.
So much more to say but very tired tonight. Getting ready for Thursday to go to Montreal 71st wedding anniversary, so everything so hectic but really anted to tell you about my thought tonight, Miss daddy...
Love mom
You are still 69 year old....... sleep on it

In 1974 I was deployed to Ismalia, Egypt and met my mother and father (who was also deployed on same rotation) in Cairo.

Our wedding

After 2 years at Royal Roads in Victoria and 2 years at CMR in St Jean, I finally graduated Military College.

Steve and George are Sharon's brothers with whom I had many adventures with

A proud moment as I presented my son with a plaque commemorating his time working for me when I was the Integrated Logistics Officer at CFB Kingston.
Here I am with my grandson Joshua, after giving a speech at his school for Remembrance Day.
A quote from Mark Greaney's book "True Faith and Allegiance"There are many costs associated with military service, but none of them were more important than time. The time away from family. None of the birthays or holidays or weddings or funerals that were missed could ever be replaced in the lives of those who served."
My retirement celebration 2011, just after I got my hip replacement. In the military you are forced to retire at age 60. In the last photo is Sharon and I in First Class as we depart on another adventure overseas.

Thomas came over and was preparing the Salmon and a brisket for the party

Matthew came down for the evening as a BIG surprise. Then Kathryn came over. Our family which hasn't been just us 5 in years, was reunited for this occasion...LOVE IT

The kids gave me a wonderful gift
On the 3rd of October they all surprised me by having a large gathering (within COVID limits) I thought it was just family but no, lots of friends came also. What a nice touch.
They got together to decorate the house and outside

My sister wanted me to have a gift before everything else

Now I know why!! Well, let's fill it up.

A photo of all the people who were around at the time.

Kathryn & her fiancé Mike

Thomas made a nice speech. Thank you Thomas for those nice words.

Matthew said a few words (He had this electronically, so I was able to capture and post)
I want to raise a glass to an absolute gentleman, a great son, a loving husband, an amazing dad and a fantastic grandfather. We've talked about there not being a handbook on how to be any of these things... well, you sure could've written one!
As we get older, we become wiser and start to understand what truly matters in life. Not the possessions we hold and the statuses we claim. I feel what really matters is the people most closest to us. (Wave to crowd)
To dad: May the love and respect we express toward him make up for the worry and stress we have visited upon him!

Then I said a few words
Thank you for those kind words.
Thank you one and all for being here today. Given the COVID life style that we have been living in, I appreciate your presence.
I would like to say a special thank you to my mother who, at 92 years old, shows the world that my mere milestone of 70 is but a small pebble in the walk of life. Thank you mom for always being that light that we all look towards for guidance and support.
70 years old. Years ago in my youth I would never have believed I would or could make it. So many memories of my parents saying to me: “if you want to see your next birthday you better smarten up!!!”
Now, what seemed a formidable task after having worked for over 40 years, mainly in the military to begin enjoying retirement full time. I am also lucky enough to have a wife who supported my career and now enjoys life as I do and we do not hesitate to venture forth and explore - the Floridian waves of the Atlantic Ocean are calling us.
When you're 70 years old, you become more thankful for "the big things in life” like large print in emails. When you’re younger you want to sleep in until noon. When you get older you’d like to sleep in until 7am. Your memory begins to fail and you wonder if you could just add a memory expansion card to increase our capacity.
But, at 70 you are most thankful for you all - family and friends. You are the ones that add meaning and happiness to my life. I look around and I could not ask for a more complete snapshot of what turning 70 means to me than to have you here celebrating this day with me.
Again, thank you for making this day special - the many pictures, emails and cards will help augment this failing memory. Thank you.

A lovely card from my mom, who at 92, is still making her own, customized Christmas and birthday cards. Thanks mom.

I won't say and can't say thank you to one without making mistakes and forgetting the others who were all part of this gathering and celebration. There was also an awesome Cheese Cake that I just loved. Both the cupcakes and cheese cake were a hit at the party. The ball in the sand trap of the cupcakes was not mine...just saying.
I do however, want to say a big Thank You to Wayne & Vickie making that awsome and well received shrimp platter.
When Steve showed up, he had a few words that he spoke. Very nice and the words were appreciated and heart felt. Thank you Steve.

It was nice to see my sister Pierrette and her husband Danny come to this event.

Some surprise visits from Danny who is seen here with my sister Pauline, in the front is Thomas and my mother.

Of course I took the opportunity to get a picture with them

Lisa and Pierrette and next picture is Kheayali and Lisa

In the swing is Jessika and Jasmine...two new 16 year olds. Next picture is Lisa and Matthew with my mother, their grandmother.

Matthew and my mom and next picture is Matthew and his youngest daughter, Arianna.

A card from Annalea with a bit of money. Thank you

An e-card from John Dickhute and Betty
Happy Birthday Pierre!
Sorry we could not be with you at your family's celebration, but it is still too 'iffy' out there.
We are thinking about you and Sharon and hope we can see you in 2022.
In the meantime, Enjoy your day - and many more.
John & Betty

I received lots of emails and well wishes from others who could not make it or not able to cross the USA border lol
Even a nice gift from my godson, Clinton

Here is also a note from the mayor of Kingston